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Another Example of Spiritual Warfare by Elaine Davenport (Tuesday, September 11, 2007)

September 10, 2007

I have found a huge audience interested in knowing about Spiritual Warfare. For many years, people in the body of Christ either didn’t want to know about it or remained in denial of it. The bible gives multiples of accounts of struggles between good and evil; between God’s children and satan’s forces. He doesn’t even deserve a capital s.) He is the thief and he comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. If that’s true, should we get dressed up and throw him a party? Should we just ignore the fact that he plans to do this? Or should we prepare ourselves to do battle to preserve ourselves and our families?


A friend of mine has several cameras around her house; because she believes someone nearby is up to no good. The cameras; plain and simple have film that will record any activity. In this case there is a tangible enemy that can show up on the tape. That is what she calls “security” and it allows her to rest at night.  )I have angels wjo stand at posts; they’re 10 feet tall!)


To complicate matters, Spiritual Warfare can’t be seen. No amount of cameras set up around the perimeter of your house or inside your house will detect activity; no motion detector can sound the alarm. So we have to know how to spot it. It’s just so subtle. So we have to be on our feet. Now, make no mistake I WARN YOU; I’ve seen some of the best prayer warriors be fooled including myself; but not often.

Here’s an example:

If one reads any of my Blogs; you’ll hear about my battle with headaches for which I was healed after many years. Yet, the enemy attempts to revisit me with them every now and then. Sometimes, I’ll get them once a month and sometimes months will go by. They always come with the greatest intensity when I get a clear directive from God to do kingdom work. For instance I was assigned recently to go to Corporate Prayer to do intercession for the saints. As soon as I went to bed, I was stricken with headaches not out of the ordinary that made my head ache too badly for me to lift my head. They went on for days and only went away after there was no possibility for me to go to prayer during that period. However, I did pray without going and I am convinced that there was no victory for satan as I stepped up my prayer life in direct response to the attack.

It’s important that I make this clear. See, I didn’t say I couldn’t get there because I had no money to buy gas for my car. That would be my fault; not satan’s because God gives me the provision for gas money regularly. God gives me the pre-vision to hold on to my money. That’s not Spiritual Warfare.

As a spiritual warrior, I have certain responsibilities. One of my primary obligations is to keep control over my thought life. A good example of that struggle is what happens when you go on a diet. The world calls it: “willpower.” Now, I choose to consciously become a warrior or rather actively. But the bible says that we are anyway whether we choose to or not. Look at this from 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5:

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (New International Version)

New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society

3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

When I go on long distance trips; I generally pray in the Spirit twenty minutes out of every hour. I’ve just been led to do that. It may have nothing to do with you and when you drive but everything to do with me and my history. I just believe that we must pray without ceasing and be watchful.

I’ve heard of a few cases of Christians killed on the way home from or on the way to church. I know it’s the thief, who comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. I don’t understand the dynamics to any of it. I do plead the Blood of Jesus over myself and my family when I awake and when I go to sleep. I release my angels every morning to protect me and to prosper my way. I don’t totally understand the mystery of it all. However, I do know that sin known and unknown; even disobedience will give satan an advantage.


If you want to be a “prepared” soldier on the battlefield; this is what you have to do:

1. STAY ON TRACK AND DON’T LOSE YOUR FOCUS. Stay close to God. Trust God. Remember His promises and keep doing your job.

2. Patti LaBelle sings the song: “I Got A New Attitude.” You better get one too. You are no longer the victim. You’re a winner. I’m not saying it. God did.

3. USE YOUR COMPASS– Let the Word of God be your guide!

4. STAY IN THE HUNT– Step up your meditation and prayer time- Guaranteed you’ll hear from God and He will order your steps!

5. WATCH OUT FOR THE SIN PITFALLS! Be loving, Be forgiving, Be quick to repent!

Okay, you got it now go get it!

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